Trademark Policy
The tradenames, trademarks, service marks, logos, icons and trade dress of Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. (“SORRENTO”), appearing on this website and in any of our utilities, programs and applications may not be used in any manner by users of this website, utilities, programs and applications without the express prior written permission of SORRENTO. Such tradenames, trademarks, service marks, logos, icons and trade dress, include, without limitation, SORRENTO and the SORRENTO logo, which are all trademarks owned by SORRENTO. All non-SORRENTO owned trademarks, tradenames and service marks are the property of their respective owners.
If you use the materials or trademarks on this website and in any of our utilities, programs and applications in a way that is not clearly allowed by this Trademark Policy, you are violating your agreement with us and may be violating copyright, trademark, and other laws. In that case, we automatically revoke your permission to use this website. Title to the materials remains with us or with the authors of the materials contained on this website. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
We reserve the right to amend this Trademark Policy at any time and only the current Privacy Policy, as set forth on this website ( will be deemed effective.
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